Kendall Lovejoy

Kendall D. Lovejoy
Extension Educator
Agriculture and Natural Resources

Crop and Livestock Production in Fulton County

Fulton County has 260,288 total acres of which 195,000 acres are involved in farming in 2012 (USDA Census Data).  Fulton County is a strong agricultural county ranking 11th in total agricultural receipts (2007) for the state of Ohio.  Fulton County agriculture generates a total of $131 million in cash farm receipts with $98 million from crop enterprises and $33 million from livestock annually.  The importance of individual crops with regard to production are corn (12th), soybeans (23rd), and wheat (9th) respectively with regard to rank in parenthesis, out of the 88 Ohio counties.  Greenhouse, fruit crops, processing vegetables and nurseries make up a thriving specialty crop industry.  The importance of individual livestock enterprises are hogs (13th), dairy (27th), and beef (6th) respectively.

Weather Data from OARDC Northwest Branch in Wood County

Historical Agricultural Statistics for Fulton County: