Fulton County Summer Agronomy Meeting to be held June 20th
Wauseon, OH – The Fulton County Office of the Ohio State University (OSU) Extension and the Fulton County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) are excited to invite you to the Fulton County “Fields of Knowledge” summer agronomy meeting. This event is designed to cater to agricultural grain producers, retailers, and individuals eager to deepen their understanding of local agronomic issues and conservation efforts. The event is being held on Thursday, June 20th, 2024, at Fulton Hall on the Fulton County Fairgrounds complex.
Registration will begin at 8:00am with the program beginning at 8:30am. Topics throughout the day will range from disease and mid-season nutrient management to the H2Ohio program and cover crops. A special session will be held on vomitoxin in corn, with a panel of grain buyers on hand to answer questions.
Speakers for the day include Mr. Boden Fisher, ODA (Ohio Department of Agriculture); Mrs. Hannah Boger, Fulton SWCD; Mr. Kendall Lovejoy, Mr. Jason Hartschuh, Dr. Stephanie Karhoff, and Mrs. Sarah Noggle, OSU Extension.
The event is free to attendees, but an RSVP is requested for food count. A light breakfast, including doughnuts and a lunch will be provided, courtesy of the Fulton County SWCD. We hope you’ll join us for a day filled with education, collaboration, and inspiration as we delve into the latest trends and best practices in agronomy and conservation. To register, visit: www.go.osu.edu/fultonfieldday24, or call the Extension Office at (419) 337-9210.