On Thursday December 13, 2018 OSU Extension Fulton County will be hosting a Beef Quality Assurance class at the Robert Fulton Ag Center meeting room from noon – 1:30 pm. The program is sponsored by Farm Credit Mid-America and Fulton County Cattle Feeders and free to attend. Please RSVP so we have an accurate count for materials and refreshments. RSVP to seiler.58@osu.edu or call 419-337-9210.
Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) is a nationally coordinated, state implemented program that provides systematic information to U.S. beef producers and beef consumers of how common sense husbandry techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and environmental conditions.
In the coming years beef buyers such as Wendy’s, Tyson, and others will only source beef from producers trained in (BQA). Ensure that you have complete market access by becoming BQA Certified. The program will be led by Garth Ruff, Extension Educator from Henry County and can answer producer questions and concerns. Upon completion of the class your will receive a certification good for 3 years.